CodeRED Sign up
Do you want to stayed informed and updated??
Don’t miss out on another important announcement, such as; road closures, road work, severe weather warnings, emergency alerts and etc.!
You need to sign up today for CodeRED, the mass notification system that will notify you by landline, cell, text, email or a combination of any of these, so you won’t miss out on important information!
To sign up for CodeRED you can visit the Strong website at, sign up using the link on our Emergency Preparedness page or directly at CodeRED sign up site. If you don’t have a computer or access to internet, then you can visit the Sundridge Strong Public Library and someone will assist you to sign up so you can have the notification sent to your landline or cell.
The Municipal Office staff is always here to assist you as well, please call anytime for support or information on CodeRED.