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Freedom of Information

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides an individual with the right to access information under the custody and control of an institution, including one's own personal information.

Individuals wanting to submit a formal request for information under the Municipal Freedom of Information Act must fill out a Freedom of Information Request Form and submit the form by mail, or in person to the Township of Strong Clerk.


Some records or parts of the records may not be publicly accessed based on requirements set out by MFIPPA. These exemptions are limited, specific, and protect the rights of another person or organization. 

If the Township is not able to disclose a record, we will specifically state which exemption(s) we are applying to the record(s).


In order for the Clerk to process a request under MFIPPA, a $5.00 charge applies. Payments must be made in by cheque, cash, debit or e-transfer. 

The Act provides for a mandatory $5 application fee which must accompany each request for information. If multiple property addresses are requested, we will require a separate application form and application fee for each address. Requests cannot be initiated until the $5 fee is received. Cheques are to be made payable to the "Township of Strong." Additional fees may be charged under section 45 of the Act.

The $5 application fee cannot be waived and is non-refundable.

Personal Information Requests:

If an individual is requesting personal information (as defined under the Act) about yourself, the request is considered a "personal information request". The following fees may apply to requests for personal information:



Additional Information

Application Fee:


Must accompany the request. The fee is mandatory and cannot be waived.


$.20 per page


CD's, DVD's:


Per item

Computer Programming:

$15 per 15 minutes

If needed to develop a program to review information.

Shipping and other costs:

As billed


General Information Requests:

Requests for information about a person other than yourself, property, or about a municipal service, program or activity are considered "general information requests" and have different fees than for personal information requests. The following fees apply for requests for general information:



Additional Information

Application Fee:


Must accompany the request. The fee is mandatory and cannot be waived.


$.20 per page


Records Preparation:

$7.50 per 15 minutes

Required to prepare records for release

Search Time:

$7.50 per 15 minutes

Per person required to search and retrieve records



Per item

Computer Programming:

$15 per 15 minutes

If needed to develop a program to retrieve information.

Shipping and Other Costs:

As billed

This may include reproduction by an outside service provider.

Fee Estimates

If it is anticipated that fees are more than $25, you will be given a fee estimate. If the estimate of fees to be paid is $100 or more, you may be required to pay a 50% deposit.

Other Fees:

Appeals - General $25 - Payable to the Information and Privacy Commissioner

Appeals - Personal $10 - Payable to the Information and Privacy Commissioner

More information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the IPC's official website at


If you are not satisfied with the Township's decision to your F.O.I. request, you have the right to file an appeal to the Information Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) within 30 days of receiving the decision in writing to: 

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8 

Please visit the IPC website for more information.

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