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The next municipal election will be held Monday, October 26, 2026. The last municipal election was held on October 24, 2022. Where the polling day falls on a holiday, polling day shall be the next succeeding day that is not a holiday.

2022 Township of Strong Unofficial Results

2022 Township of Strong Official Election Results 

Clerk's Report of Financial Compliance

Elections for municipal government are held every four years on the fourth Monday of October. Prior to the the passage of the Good Government Act, 2009 and the vote in 2006, the period between elections had been 3 years. For example, 2000, 2003 and 2006 were municipal election years.

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario legislation (Bill 81, Schedule H), passed in 2006, set the length of terms in office for all municipal elected officials at four years.

Municipal Elections Act, 1996

School Board Trustee - All position acclaimed as of August 22, 2022

Near North District School Board - Zone 5 (1 to be elected) 
Nipissing Parry Sound District Catholic School Board (1 to be elected) 
Conseil Scolaire Public Du Nord-Est De L'Ontario - Sector A (1 to be elected)
Conseil Scolaire Catholique Franco-Nord - South East Sector (1 to be elected)

Terms of Reference 

The Joint Compliance Audit Committee has full delegation of the authority in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, to address applications requesting an audit of a candidate’s and a registered third party advertiser’s election campaign finances. This authority includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Review applications and grant or reject audit requests
  • Where an audit is granted, appoint an auditor and review the audit report
  • Where indicated, decide whether legal proceedings shall be commenced

The Joint Compliance Audit Committee will consist of members that must have the ability to understand and apply the election campaign finance provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and should be considered impartial with respect to their ability to fulfill their responsibilities. Preference shall be given to candidates that have applicable experience in accounting, law, law enforcement and academics from related fields.
Preferred Qualifications:
(a) Accounting and audit – accountants or auditors with experience in preparing or auditing the financial statements of municipal candidates;
(b) Academic – college or university professors with expertise in political science or local government administration;
(c) Legal; and
(d) Other individuals with knowledge of the campaign financing rules of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 

Visit Election Ontario to confirm, update or add your information for provincial and municipal elections in Ontario. 

Property owners in Ontario are required to support a school board, even if they do not have children or their children are not currently attending school. In the case of a residential property occupied by tenants, the tenants can direct the school support for that property. By default, school support is directed to your municipality’s English Public School Board.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is legislatively required to collect school support information and provide it in the assessment roll to every municipality and school board. By ensuring that you are supporting the school board of your choosing, you will be able to vote in the next municipal and school board election for trustees in that school board. Property owners, occupants, and tenants can update their school support designation online at

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