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 Photo of Strong Township Council

Left to Right: Councillor Jeff McLaren, Councillor Kevin Noaik, Mayor Tim Bryson, Councillor Jim Ronholm, Councillor Marianne Stickland

[P] 705-471-1450 or 705-493-1981

[E] Email Mayor 

Bio by Mayor:

Tim Bryson was born, raised and still lives in Sundridge with his wife Donna Czerniak, and two children Kiefer and Timothy Jr..  Tim is proud of his long multi-generational heritage in the area, and is happy to see it carry on.  Tim is a proud employer locally, running a custom sawmilling, firewood and logging business.  He spends his spare time reading, bicycling, managing the family forest, and likes to spend time with family and friends at the family cabins.     

Politically, Tim is interested in seeing democracy work by empowering the people through the representatives they elect.   He hopes to contribute by having a positive influence in creating a stronger economy that supports health, food, mobility and shelter security for all citizens.   

Representative for the following Committees: Provincial Offenses (POA), Sundridge Strong Fire Department Committee, Central Almaguin Planning Board, Almaguin Community Economic Development Committee, Sundridge & District Medical Centre Committee, SSJ Restructuring Committee, SSJ Recreation Committee, Municipal Road Network Advisory Committee

Photo of Mayor Tim Bryson

[P] 705-773-8160
[E] Email Jim Ronholm

Bio by Councillor:

First time councillor Jim Ronholm grew up in the Almaguin area and attended AHSS before joining the military and earning his Computer Engineering degree at Royal Military College. Jim moved to Strong township in 1995 after serving 8 years in the military.  His wife of 30 years was born and raised in Strong Township and his two children have never lived anywhere else. Since moving here Jim worked for Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, earned his M.Sc. and is currently a professor at Canadore College where he has worked for the last 25 years. He was involved in Almaguin Minor Hockey for many years volunteering as trainer, coach and on the association executive. He has since traded the hockey stick for the broomstick and enjoys curling in his spare time.

Representative for the following Committees: Sundridge Strong Fire Department Committee,  Almaguin Highlands Health Centre Council, Sundridge & District Medical Centre Committee, SSJ Arena Committee, SSJ Restructuring Committee

Photo of Jim Ronholm

[P] 705-840-3500 
[E] Email Councillor Noaik  

Bio by Councillor:

Kevin has been a permanent resident of the Township of Strong for the last 30 years, prior to that he spent many years at the family cottage on Lake Bernard.  Kevin is a 14 year member of the Sundridge Strong Volunteer Fire Department, and was a volunteer with the Sundridge Triathlon.  Prior to running for council he was the Community Emergency Management Coordinator for the Township of Strong and the Alternate CEMC for the Village of Sundridge.

As a tax payer and member of the community Kevin wants to see his community grow and prosper.  He is willing to listen to the concerns of Township of Strong residents and tax payers and bring those forward to the Council table.  He is a team player and will work together with council and staff to make improvements to the services in our community.

 Three basic commitments Kevin is making as an elected member of council:

  • I'll show up - voters expect elected officials to attend meetings and events
  • I'll listen - I'll hear your thoughts and do everything I can to leave you satisfied that you were heard
  • I'll put the community first - every time I vote it will be based on what I believe is best for the Township of Strong

Representative for the following Committees: Sundridge-Strong Union Public Library Board, Emergency Management Program Committee, Municipal Road Network Advisory Committee, Area representative OPP Detachment Board - Almaguin Highlands

Photo of Kevin Noaik

[P] 705-384-1274
[E] Email Councillor McLaren

Bio by Councillor: 


Representative for the following Committees: High Rock Lookout Park Committee, SSJ Recreation Committee, SSJ Arena Committee, East Parry Sound Veterinary Service.

Photo of Jeff McLaren

[P] 705-845-5987
[E] Email Councillor Stickland

Bio by Councillor:
Marianne Stickland who am I?
Marianne has been a resident for over 55 years and is a retired skilled professional.  She is very environmentally conscientious and enjoys beekeeping.  Her focus for running for Council is to provide strong, sustainable and equitable services for all residents, by listening to residents’ concerns and addressing issues raised.  Marianne brings 35 years of provincial government and broader public sector work experience, with strategic, operational and financial planning.  Marianne’s has many goals for her Council term! One being to explore amalgamation with neighbouring municipalities.  She wants Strong Township to have sustainable growth, and feels we are stewards that should protect our land.  She will achieve these goals by making evidence-based decisions.    

Representative for the following Committees: Almaguin Recycling Initiative, Joint Building Committee, Board of Health (Area Representative), Eastholme Board of Directors (Area Representative)

Photo of Marianne Stickland

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