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For each term of Council, citizens are appointed by Council to various Committees and Boards. 

To promote input and involvement of Township's citizens and, at the same time, assist Council in its deliberations, Committees are established by Council to study specific issues or areas of interest, and provide advice to Council for consideration.

At the commencement of Council's term, you are invited to volunteer your time and experience to participate on such Committees and Boards dealing with a multitude of matters affecting the community.  To recognize, promote and strengthen the sense of the community, diversity and beauty of our area, interested individuals are invited to participate as Committee members.

Access the committee agendas and minutes.

If you are interested in joining one of our Boards and Committees, please contact the Township of Strong for more information

The principles that guide the Committee include a commitment to:

  • encourage and facilitate economic growth in the Almaguin Highlands Region on behalf of all stakeholders;
  • contribute towards enhancing the quality of life for all Almaguin residents and guests;
  • ensure the accessibility of programming to all stakeholders;
  • collaborate and steward partnerships across the region to achieve common objectives;
  • build strong relationships with all stakeholders, residents and neighboring regions and nurture them through strong, effective communication;
  • provide the Almaguin Community Economic Development (ACED) Director with strong strategic leadership and support.

Terms of Reference

Meeting Details: Monthly, every fourth Thursday at 6:00PM at the Township of Armour Office

ACED Website - Minutes and Agendas available here

Administered by the Township of Armour

Council Representative: Mayor Tim Bryson

Advocating for, and coordinating access to, healthcare services for all residents of the Almaguin Highlands region.

Terms of Reference

Meeting Details: Monthy, every first Thursday at 10:00AM at the Village of Burk's Falls Office

AHHC Website

Administered by the Village of Burk's Falls 

Council Representative: Councillor Jim Ronholm

The Almaguin Recycling Initiative, made up of nine (9) Almaguin municipalities, coordinates the twice annual Household Hazardous Waste events at Landfill #1 at 483 Forest Lake Road.

Terms of Reference

Meeting Details: Quarterly, every third Wednesday at 6:00PM at the Township of Strong Office

Administered by Danika McCann

Council Representative: Councillor Marianne Stickland

The Central Almaguin Planning Board is the approval authority for consents (severances) for 6 organized municipalities and 2 unorganized municipalities.

Meeting Details: Monthly, every first Wednesday at 5:30PM at the Village of South River Office

Administered by Christine Hickey

Council Representative: Mayor Tim Bryson

Formed in 1936 and representing all District of Parry Sound municipalities, school boards and road commissions in unorganized Townships in Parry Sound District and Part of Nipissing District if they are members in good standing. DPSMA is a forum to present resolutions for expressing concerns about local municipal issues. The resolutions are forwarded to the appropriate ministries or agencies.

Meeting Details: Spring and Fall, host municipality rotates.

Administered by the Township of Perry

Council Representatives: All of Council  

In July 1967, Mary S Edgar donated the High Rock Lookout to the Village of Sundridge and Township of Strong. Specifically, Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 on Plan M-181, located in Strong Township. In November 1999 Joly Township was added to the property ownership. The committee ensures the continued maintenance and preservation of High Rock Lookout Park, as specified by the donor, for all residents of the Sundridge area; and ensures that initiatives are environmentally conscientious and sustainable.

Terms of Reference

Meeting Details: twice a year, at 6:00PM at the Village of Sundridge Office

Administrated by the Village of Sundridge

Council Representative: Mayor Tim Bryson

The Joint Building Committee is made up of seven (7) Almaguin municipalities who share building department services including a full-time Chief Building Official and part-time Building Inspector. 

Joint Service Agreement

Meeting Details: Quarterly the third Thursday of that month at 5:30PM at the Township of Strong Office

Administrated by the Township of Strong

Council Representative: Councillor Marianne Stickland  

The Town of Parry Sound operates the Provincial Offences Act (POA) Court for the District of Parry Sound. There are 2 court locations (Sundridge and Parry Sound) which serve the east and west side. The Committee meets bi-annually and discusses budget.

Administrated by the Town of Parry Sound

Council Representative: Mayor Tim Bryson

The Sundridge Strong Fire Department Committee is comprised of municipal representatives from the Township of Strong and Village of Sundridge who recommend service level and budget as it relates to the operation of the Fire Department.

Joint Service Agreement

Meeting Details: Quarterly, every first Wednesday at 7:00 at the Fire Hall

Administrated by the Village of Sundridge

Council Representatives: Mayor Tim Bryson and Councillor Jim Ronholm

The Sundridge Strong Recreation Committee is comprised of both council and public representatives from the Townships of Strong and Joly, and the Village of Sundridge. Their goal is to provide support and make recommendations to Council, to enhance the quality of life for Sundridge, Strong and Joly residents through a wide range of innovative, inclusive and accessible events or programs by providing opportunities for physical activity, social interaction and community engagement. 

Terms of Reference

Meeting Details: Monthly, the first Thursday at 5:30PM at the Township of Strong Office

Administered by the Township of Strong

Council Representatives: Councillor Jeff McLaren and Mayor Tim Bryson

The Sundridge & District Medical Centre Committee is comprised of council representatives from the Townships of Strong and Joly, and the Village of Sundridge, who are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Medical Centre located in the Village of Sundridge. 

Joint Service Agreement

Meeting Details: Monthly, every third Wednesday at 6:00PM at the Village of Sundridge Office 

Administered by the Village of Sundridge

Council Representatives: Councillor Jeff McLaren and Councillor Jim Ronholm

The Sundridge Strong Union Public Library Board is comprised of council and public representatives from the Township of Strong and Village of Sundridge who develop an accessible, informative social hub where community members are free to enhance their lives by imagining, learning and discovering.

Strategic Plan

Meeting Details: Monthly, every third Thursday at 7:00PM at the Sundridge Library

Administrated by the Librarian/CEO

Council Representative: Councillor Kevin Noaik

The Sundridge Strong Joly Arena Committee is comprised of council representatives from the Townships of Strong and Joly, and the Village of Sundridge, who are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Arena and Hall.  

Joint Service Agreement

Meeting Details: Monthly, every first Wednesday at 5:30PM at the SSJ Arena

Administrated by the Township of Strong

Council Representatives: Councillor Jeff McLaren and Councillor Jim Ronholm

The Emergency Management Committee was created to conform to standards promulgated by Emergency Management Ontario in accordance with international best practices, including the four core components of emergency management, namely: mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response and recovery; and also makes provision for the municipality and council to develop and implement an emergency management program to protect public safety, public health, the environment, the critical infrastructure and property, and to promote economic stability and a disaster-resilient community.

By-law to create Emergency Management Committee

Township of Strong Emergency Plan

Meeting Details: Twice per year, or when required at the Township of Strong Office 

Administrated by the Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC)

Council Representatives: All of Council

The Municipal Road Network Advisory Committee was created in November 2022, and is mandated to advise and support Council on matters that relate to the Municipal Road Network such as level of service, road infrastructure priorities, active transportation, environmental matters and road safety.


Terms of Reference


Meeting Details: Five times per year, at the call of the Chair

Administrated by the Township of Strong

Council Representatives: Mayor Tim Bryson and Councillor Kevin Noaik 

The Sundridge Strong Joly Restructuring Committee is comprised of council representatives from the Townships of Strong and Joly, and the Village of Sundridge, with staff representatives. The committee mandate is to research the possible amalgamation of the Township of Strong, Township of Joly and Village of Sundridge to determine the economies of scale and realization of any efficiencies in the provision of services to Sundridge, Strong and Joly.

Terms of Reference 

Work Plan - updated monthly

Meeting Details: Monthly, third Monday at 6:00PM (or at the call of the Chair) at the Township of Strong Council Chambers

Administrated by the Township of Strong

Council Representatives: Mayor Tim Bryson and Councillor Jim Ronholm

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