Fire Permits and Open Air Burning
Fire Permits
For all controlled burns within the Township, a fire permit must be obtained. Small recreational fires (camp fire) does not require a permit.
An application for a fire permit must be submitted to the Township Administration Office, at a cost $5.00 and is valid for 7 days. The application and payment can be done on online by completing the All-In-One Fire Permit Form!
All fire regulations must be followed as set out in the Open Air Burning By-law. If the fire rating changes to high or extreme while a permit is active, then burn permits will be suspended and the remaining days will be reinstated once the fire rating returns to moderate or low.
April 1 to October 31
Daytime burning is not permitted during this time period, fire permits are required for all open air burning! However, a small camp fire is allowed without a permit. Please consult the local fire rating before obtaining a permit.
November 1 to March 31
Daytime burning is allowed during this time period and fire permits are not required. However, residents must follow all Open Air By-law burning regulations.
- Property Owner/Renter must be in attendance when burning, and must not leave fire unattended
- The size of fire is restricted to 2m x 2m
- All persons are liable for costs incurred by the Fire Department, including personnel, equipment and apparatuses necessary to extinguish the fire
Open Air By-law
The Open Air By-law states that no person shall set a fire in the Township of Strong without first reviewing the applicable By-law, obtaining the necessary fire permit and following burning regulations.
Contact Us
Township of Strong
28 Municipal Lane
P.O. Box 1120,
Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0
Tel: 705-384-5819
Fax: 705-384-5892