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Development Applications

The Township has various application forms available online for your convenience. The Fees By-law sets out the costs charged for various Township services.  There are various payment options available for application fees!

For general inquiries on Planning, please submit your request by email to the Clerk or Deputy Clerk.

Before submitting any application, please complete the following four steps:

  • Step 1 - Contact the planning department to schedule a pre-consultation meeting;
  • Step 2 - Fill out the required application form;
  • Step 3 - Attach any other document/drawing/information that the application specifically requests;
  • Step 4 - Prepare fee payment in accordance with Fee Schedule attached to the application.

If you are unsure of certain sections of the application, please leave that section blank, and Township Administration will assist you in completing the application form at time of application submission.

The Township requires Pre-Consultation Meetings with the Clerk Administrator prior to development.

Applications must be applied for and signed by all listed owners of the property. If the owners wish to appoint an agent to act on their behalf, please submit the agent authorization form with the pre-consultation application. 

Applicants must have completed a pre-consultation and receive approval in principle prior to applying to the Central Almaguin Planning Board (CAPB), which is the approval authority for the Township with respect to consents.

Application for Consent (Severance)

Central Almaguin Planning Board
Hours - Wednesday 11:30am to 4pm
63 Marie Street, South River

Contact Central Almaguin Planning Board

All areas of the Township are designated as proposed Site Plan Control areas under the provisions of the Planning Act. All uses may fall under Site Plan Control. All lands within designations that permit single detached dwellings are also designated as proposed Site Plan Control areas in accordance with Section 41(5) of the Planning Act.

Site Plan Control By-Law 2022-029

Site Plan Agreement Application Form

A minor variance application seeks permission to vary from the requirements of the Zoning By-law. Common variance applications seek minor relief from a side yard or front yard requirements. The Planning Act establishes four tests that the Committee of Adjustment must consider when arriving at a decision.

These four tests are:

  • whether the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is maintained;
  • whether the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is maintained;
  • whether the relief being sought is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure; and
  • whether the relief being sought is minor in nature.

Minor Variance Application

Within its territorial jurisdiction Township of Strong owns all original road allowances which have not yet been closed, stopped up and conveyed. Provincial legislation permits municipalities to sell such road allowances. Council will consider applications to close and convey unopened shore and concession road allowances. This involves a number of procedures and expenses including surveying and legal, and it is the policy of the Township that all associated costs shall be borne by the applicant.

Sale of Land By-Law 2011-010

Shore Road Allowance Purchase Application

An approved entrance (driveway) is a requirement as part of a complete building permit application.

How, when and where do I apply for a civic address?

If you are planning on developing a vacant parcel of land, please submit the 911 civic address application to the Township staff to ensure that you are assigned a new civic address concurrent with getting your approved entrance (driveway).  The Township charges twenty (20) dollars each for the sign blade and post or the post can be purchase locally.

Who will install my new civic address sign?

Property owners are responsible for installing civic address signs according to the following:

  1. signage must be purchased from the Township of Strong;
  2. signage must not be less than five (5) feet and not more than seven (7) feet from ground level;
  3. signage must be placed at the entrance to the property perpendicular to the road and placed so both side are clearly visible from the road and does not interfere with snow removal operations
  4. properties located on Highway #124 and Highway #11 must meet required setbacks of the Ministry of Transportation
  5. water access properties shall place signage at the dock

What do I do if my civic address sign is damaged or missing? 

If your sign is damaged or missing, please contact the Township office for a replacement.

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