Township of Strong is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all ages and abilities. In doing so, we recognize the diverse needs of our community and strive to provide services and facilities that are accessible for everyone. Township of Strong promotes accessibility through the development of its policies, procedures and practices that are consistent with the core principles of integration, independence, dignity and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities.
How to bring an accessibility concern to the Township
The Township of Strong encourages input and comments with respect to accessibility within our community. Should you wish to make an inquiry, request an accessible document or bring a concern to the Township of Strong, please contact the Clerk Administrator.
Customer service feedback
As part of its proactive approach, Township of Strong has trained all staff in providing accessible customer service and it currently meets or exceeds the requirements of the AODA Customer Service Standard (Ontario Regulation 429/07).
Township of Strong welcomes all feedback on our accessible customer service. Contact us in person, by mail, phone or fax.
Accessible legislation and policies
Currently there are two accessibility legislations in Ontario. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, 2005 (AODA) and the Ontarians with Disability Act, 2001 (ODA). Both legislations aim to improve accessibility for Ontarians by identifying, removing and preventing barriers faced by persons with disabilities. The AODA applies to all public and private sector organizations in Ontario.
The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) also known as Ontario Regulation 191/11 which is an amendment to the AODA creates a shift from preparing annual accessibility plans to the creation of a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
For more information about the province's accessibility legislation, these standards and Township policies, please use the following resources.
Contact Us
Township of Strong
28 Municipal Lane
P.O. Box 1120,
Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0
Tel: 705-384-5819
Fax: 705-384-5892