Access current and past agendas and minutes on the meetings calendar.
Local Government
Your Township of Strong municipal government (that's us) wants to keep you informed in an open and transparent way. Here you will gain valuable details about:
Council and committee area has highlights and info on all of the following topics. Choose an area of interest to learn more about it:
Agenda, minutes and meeting calendar
The Township of Strong has fifteen committees of Council, including Council.
Learn about when these meetings take place, who the committee Chair and Recording Secretaries are.
Meet your Members of Council who govern Strong.
Municipal election page helps you learn how, where and when to vote in the next municipal election.
Some of the Township services are listed here for your simple access. Select any of the below areas for more info:
What we offer for accessible services so that you can access information, buildings or services at any time.
Applications, licenses, permits
All forms listed by type.
Annual operating budget and Township of Strong financial info.
By-laws and policies guide how your Township makes decisions and follows them. The rules outlined in a by-law and related policy is for the benefit of all citizens.
We have Commissioners at the Township Administration Office. Please read the list of documents we can witness signatures for (not all documents apply for this service).
Learn which records you have access to, or which you may need to submit a Freedom of Information request.
Find out when we are hiring and join our team.
Hear the latest news in the Almaguin Highlands area and the Township of Strong by subscribing.
We strategize with our community, Council and then put plans and studies into place so that we can reach our common goals for Strong.
Your privacy is important to us. Find out how.
Your home property taxes are due two times each year. There are many ways to pay them in time for each due date. Learn how your taxes are calculated.
Keep current with the sales and tenders that become available. This could also be a call out for quotations and estimates or sale of surplus items.
Various administration, treasury, public works, and planning fees can be paid by using this form.
How do you like our website? Is there something we could improve on? Send us your feedback by using the link at the bottom of the page.
Contact Us
Township of Strong
28 Municipal Lane
P.O. Box 1120,
Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0
Tel: 705-384-5819
Fax: 705-384-5892