All property owners shall pay taxes to the Township. Tax notices cover the costs of Township services and school boards. Property owners must pay tax even if they don't use all the services provided.
Property Tax Calculator
Understanding Tax Notices
When are Property Tax Notices Issued?
Two property tax notices are mailed out each year, one in February (interim tax notice - 2 installment due dates) and the second in July (final tax notice - 2 installment due dates). Property taxes are calculated once the Township's annual budget, and provincial education tax rates, are set. This is why residents receive two tax notices, each notice will have two due dates.
Please Note: Property owners of newly created properties, or properties that have had changes that were not accounted for on the interim or final notices, may receive a separate notice(s). These are called supplementary or omitted tax bills. Several notices may be received, based on when MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) provides assessment information to the Township.
Supplementary and omitted tax notices can be retroactive for the current year and the past two years. The due date for these notices will be two months from the date of issue.
What Information is Shown on My Tax Notice?
Notices issued by the Township contain the following information:
- The name(s) of the property owner (if there are multiple owners, only the first three will appear)
- Assessed value and tax class assigned by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
- Account number, roll number and legal description of the property
- Breakdown of the tax notice payable to the Township and school boards
- Account balance at the time the tax notice is produced (except on omitted and supplementary bills)
- The due date
- Contact information for the Township of Strong Municipal Office
What is an Interim Tax Notice?
The first tax notice property owners will receive is the Interim Tax Notice. This is calculated using the previous year's information. This helps fund township services until the final tax notice is complete in the summer.
The Interim Tax Notice is broken up into two installments, which are due on the third Friday of March and May.
The Final Tax Notice is mailed to properties owners once Council passes the municipal budget for the year, and the provincial government sets the education tax rate, which typically happens in the early spring.
The Final Tax Notice identifies any outstanding or credit account balances at the time of billing.
The Final Tax Notice is broken up into two installments, which are due on the third Friday of August and October.
Check out the various payment options available.
Use the 2022 Property Tax Calculator to see an estimate of your 2022 property taxes for the Residential, Commercial, Farm, Industrial, Multi-Residential, and Managed Forest property tax classes. Please note that this calculator will only work with Microsoft Excel. For this calculator to work properly, you must open the link and download the spreadsheet to your computer.
This calculator is currently being tested. If you would like to provide feedback for this calculator, please use the link to the Website Feedback form located at the bottom of the page.
*This calculator is for illustrative purposes only. Final tax amounts may differ from the amounts shown on this calculator.
Property Tax Collection Policy
The Council for the Township of Strong have approved a Property Tax Collection Policy for the Finance Department. This document contains information regarding the tax collection dates, notices, supplementary billing and tax registration process.
Contact Us
Township of Strong
28 Municipal Lane
P.O. Box 1120,
Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0
Tel: 705-384-5819
Fax: 705-384-5892