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The Strong, Berriedale and Pevensey Cemeteries are public cemeteries that are under the control and operation of the Township of Strong. We are dedicated to helping families and individuals understand and make decisions regarding cemetery services and products. This is done in a manner that is sensitive, caring and comforting.

The Township of Strong is responsible for preserving and maintaining the municipal cemeteries on behalf of the community. All three cemeteries have traditional graves and cremations.

Township of Strong (Organization #3294139)

  • Strong Cemetery (License #03157) located at 390 High Street in Sundridge
  • Pevensey Cemetery (License #03156) located at 2015 Pevensey Road in Strong
  • Berriedale Cemetery (License #03154) located at 202 Pevensey Road in Strong

 Cemetery Services

A of list of burial services offered by the municipality is available by contacting the Treasurer. For more information please check out our Cemetery By-Law.

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario publishes a Consumer Information Guide to funeral, burial, cremation & transfer services.

Donations to the Cemeteries

Donations (in lieu of flowers) are gratefully accepted by the Municipality to assist with the care and maintenance of the cemeteries. An official receipt for income tax purposes will be provided upon request. Please contact the Municipal Office for any additional information.

 The Bereavement Authority of Ontario - A Guide to Death Care in Ontario

Everything you need to know.


Effective January 1, 2022, there is a pricing change as a result of the Ontario Regulation 30/11

under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA)

BAO Outlining the Pricing Changes to Care & Maintenance

Cemetery Price Listing

Cemetery Administrator - Township of Strong - 705-384-5819 ext. 215 

Cemetery Caretaker - Bill Evans - 705-384-1503

Opatovsky Funeral Home - Moore Chapel in Sundridge - 705-384-5802

Opatovsky Funeral Home - Dempster Chapel in Burk's Falls - 705-382-3222

 Frequently Asked Questions 

There are many family plots in the Strong, Berriedale and Pevensey cemeteries, and many have been in the family for generations. The greater the generational gap between the original "rights holders" and those wishing to be buried in the plot, the more complicated obtaining proper permission can become. It is not unusual to require ten to twenty signatures in order to permit a burial.

Who has the legal authority to make the decision of who can be buried in a family grave?

Here is a partial list of who may act as the legal representative:

  1. Estate trustee, also called an executor or executrix, who is named in the will (or an administrator appointed by the court) 
  2. Spouse
  3. Adult children (18 and over)   

Ontario has statutes and common law to determine who may act as the legal representative(s) when a person passes away without a valid will. The ultimate decision maker will be specific to the circumstances of each case but will generally default to a court-appointed Estate Administrator or the deceased's next of kin.      

  • Each traditional grave in the cemeteries have the capacity for 5 individuals, being 1 traditional burial with 4 cremations on top (unless otherwise indicated in the contract).
  • Double depth burials are not allowed except where authorization has been previously granted in writing.
  • Cremation lots have the capacity for 2 individuals' cremated remains.

The interment rights holders are able to reserve a spot in a grave for a specific individual. Please contact the Treasurer of Strong Township for further details. 

Please refer to the price list visible on the cemetery page. 

The interment fee covers the cost of opening and closing of the gravesite for a burial of a Niche.

The Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act requires that every cemetery operator who sells, assigns or transfers interment rights or scattering rights or who permits the interment of human remains or the scattering of cremated remains in the cemetery have a Care and Maintenance Fund. 

The purpose of the Care and Maintenance Fund is to generate income for care and maintenance of the cemetery forever. These funds are only to be used to maintain, secure and preserve the cemetery, including its grounds, buildings, structures and markers, and the equipment used to maintain, secure and preserve the cemetery.

For graves, markers and monuments sold prior to 1955, if no contributions for Care and Maintenance were collected, Care and maintenance may be charged at the current price list rate.

There are many different divisions of the Strong, Berriedale and Pevensey cemeteries available. Certain divisions are set up so that multiple graves next to each other must be purchased at the same time, whether it's 2, 3 or 4 side by side. 

In most circumstances each lot is allowed 1 monument (i.e. with lots in a 2 grave section, the monument is centered over both graves; and with lots in 3 grave sections, the monument is centered over the 3 graves). Contact the Treasurer of Strong Township to confirm the same.

Each grave is permitted one marker.

The Township of Strong does not require vaults for full burials. 

  • Foundations are required for any marker that measures over 173 square inches.
  • All monuments must have a foundation. 

Monuments are upright and located at the head of the grave. Markers (also known as footstones) are flat and placed 84" from the top of the grave. 

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

Animal remains, including cremated remains are not allowed to be placed in a niche, buried or scattered on cemetery grounds. 

Cremated remains are not permitted to be scattered in the cemetery. 

The Municipality shall be given at least two business days' notice for each interment. 

It is best that planning for a family-led interment take place well in advance, including direct communication with the cemetery to ensure that there is no misunderstanding at the time of need. The documents required include:

  • original burial permit or original cremation certificate
  • original executed interment order
  • burial data collection form
  • payment of any outstanding fees

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