Animal Services
The Township provides animal services that are setout in a by-law, which are put in place by Council and enforced by the Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer to ensure that public and animal safety needs are met.
Animal Cruelty
The protection of animals is important, if you suspect an animal is in distress or being abused please contact the OSPCA.
To report animal welfare concerns 24/7 call the Ontario SPCA at 1-833-926-4625 or for more information please visit their website.
Animal By-laws
- License and regulate dogs 2016-009
- Regulate and prohibit the being at large or trespassing of animals other than dogs 2017-015
Livestock Claims
If you are a producer in the Township of Strong and your livestock, poultry and/or honeybees have been damaged by wildlife, the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program can help with financial assistance.
For help with processing or evaluating your livestock claim, please call By-law Enforcement Officer at 705-358-6230 or the Township of Strong Office 705-384-5819.
Eligibility Criteria
Learn more about program eligibility with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).
Report a Concern
Any reported concern that is determined to be vexatious in nature will be entered into the Township’s records, but will not be investigated any further.
A ‘vexatious concern’ is one where the Township determines that the concern is designed or intended only to cause annoyance, frustration or worry to other individual(s) and which may be without sufficient grounds.
Contact Us
Township of Strong
28 Municipal Lane
P.O. Box 1120,
Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0
Tel: 705-384-5819
Fax: 705-384-5892