Building Permits
Purpose of Building Permits
A building permit is legal permission to start construction knowing that the issued drawings comply with appropriate governmental regulations. In addition, the building permit helps enforce the requirements of the Building Code, Zoning By-law as well as other laws and standards to ensure compliance during construction as well as the safety of the building.
Building Without a Permit is Against the Law
It is your responsibility, as the homeowner, to ensure that a building permit is obtained before you start construction. Building without a permit is against the law and could result in you and/or your contractor being subject to fines or penalties as set out in the Building Code Act.
Building Permit Application Form, Checklists and Guides
New Effective January 1, 2021 a Municipal Zoning Compliance form must be filled out by the property owner and verified by the Principal Authority (Municipality) and shall accompany the building permit application in order for the application to be deemed complete and be processed.
- Municipal Zoning/General Standards By-law Compliance Form
- Building Permit Application Checklist
- Building Permit Application
- Building Permit Checklist
- Agent Authorization Form
- Building By-Law 2024-017
- Joint Building Committee Comment Form
- Joint Building Committee Code of Conduct
Rates and Fees
Applicable Contacts
- Electrical Inspections - Electrical Safety Authority Hydro One, Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) 1-888-664-9376, for electrical inspections call 1-877-372-7233
- Docks, boathouses or shoreline improvements - Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry: 705-645-8747 and Department of Fisheries and Oceans: 705-746-2196
- Septic Installation and Inspections - North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority: 705-474-5420
Contact Us
Township of Strong
28 Municipal Lane
P.O. Box 1120,
Sundridge, ON P0A 1Z0
Tel: 705-384-5819
Fax: 705-384-5892